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1. I am 21 years old or more.
2. I am not a law enforcement officer and I am not affiliated with any kind of law enforcement department.
3. I am aware of the side effects of the purchased items and the harm they can cause.
4. I am aware of the instructions for each product purchased on this website.
5. I know and understand the laws in my country and state with regards to purchasing prescription medication and agree to hold the owners and operators of this site harmless for my actions.
6. We guarantee the delivery and will reship lost packages or damaged products cause by uncareful transportation. But we take no responsibility for any loss or damage once the goods have been delivered.
7. We will deliver the goods at the address provided by you at the time the order was made. If the shipping information you provide is incorrect, we take no responsibility for the losses caused by miss delivery.
8. Use of this site and those products ordered are at your own risk. We assume no liability for damages arising from the ordering or use of purchased products as governed by law.
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